Submissions from 2015
Infecting the Body Politic: Observations on Health Security and the "Undesirable" Immigrant, Polly J. Price
Copyright Trolling, An Empirical Study, Matthew Sag
Promoting Innovation, Matthew Sag and Spencer Weber Waller
Opening Remarks, Robert Schapiro
Economic Conundrums in Search of a Solution: The Functions of Third-Party Litigation Finance, Joanna M. Shepherd and Judd E. Stone II
Reasoned Awards in International Commercial Arbitration: Embracing and Exceeding the Common Law-Civil Law Dichotomy, S. I. Strong
Writing Reasoned Decisions and Opinions: A Guide for Novice, Experienced, and Foreign Judges, S. I. Strong
The Nature of Family, the Family of Nature: The Surprising Liberal Defense of the Traditional Family in the Enlightenment, John Witte Jr.
Why Two in One Flesh? The Western Case for Monogamy over Polygamy, John Witte Jr.
Social Media and Conflict Mapping in Syria: Implications for Peacemaking, International Criminal Prosecutions and for TRC Processes, Paul J. Zwier
Submissions from 2014
Not without Political Power: Gays and Lesbians, Equal Protection and the Suspect Class Doctrine, Darren L. Hutchinson
The Attrition of Rights under Parole, Tonja Jacobi, Song Richardson, and Gregory Barr
Defending The Environment: A Mission for the World's Militaries, Mark P. Nevitt
The National Historic Preservation Act: Preserving History, Impacting Foreign Relations?, Mark P. Nevitt
Unintended Consequences: The Posse Comitatus Act in the Modern Era, Mark P. Nevitt
Freedom of Conscience as Religious and Moral Freedom, Michael J. Perry
Sovereignty, Citizenship, and Public Health in the United States, Polly J. Price
Opening Remarks, Robert Schapiro
Randolph W. Thrower: Serving the Public with Principle, Passion, and Poetry, Robert A. Schapiro
Selective Contracting in Prescription Drugs: The Benefits of Pharmacy Networks, Joanna Shepherd
Uncovering the Silent Victims of the American Medical Liability System, Joanna Shepherd
A Prequel to Law and Revolution: A Long Lost Manuscript of Harold J. Berman Comes to Light, John Witte Jr. and Christopher J. Manzer
The Cure for Young Prosecutors' Syndrome, Ronald F. Wright and Kay L. Levine
Submissions from 2013
Evangelicals and Catholics Together on Law: Some Personal and Jewish Reflections, Michael J. Broyde
Jewish Law Courts in America: Lessons Offered to Sharia Courts by the Beth Din of America Precedent, Michael J. Broyde
League Structure & Stadium Rent Seeking - The Role of Antitrust Revisited, David Haddock, Tonja Jacobi, and Matthew Sag
The Filibuster and Reconciliation: The Future of Majoritarian Lawmaking in the U.S. Senate, Tonja Jacobi and Jeff VanDam
Courts Should Apply a Relatively More Stringent Pleading Threshold to Class Actions, Matthew B. Lawrence
The Jurisdiction of the D.C. Circuit, Matthew B. Lawrence, Eric M. Fraser, David Kessler, and Stephen A. Calhoun
Stateless in the United States: Current Reality and a Future Prediction, Polly J. Price
Is More Information Always Better? Mandatory Disclosure Regulations in the Prescription Drug Market, Joanna Shepherd
Making Knowledge and Making Drugs? Experimenting with University Innovation Capacity, Liza Vertinsky
Prison Accountability and Performance Measures, Alexander Volokh
Submissions from 2012
David Bederman, Model Law Professor, Thomas C. Arthur
Complex Legal Frameworks and Complex Operational Challenges: Navigating the Applicable Law Across the Continuum of Military Operations, Laurie R. Blank
Tribute, Laurie R. Blank
David Bederman, Master and Commander, Katherine Brokaw
Custom as a Source of Jewish Law: Some Religious Reflections on David J. Bederman's Custom as a Source of Law, Michael J. Broyde
Litigator and Scholar, Richard D. Freer
Territoriality and Tangibility After Transocean, Timothy R. Holbrook
The Potential Extraterritorial Consequences of Akamai, Timothy R. Holbrook
Prosecution in 3-D, Kay L. Levine and Ronald F. Wright
Looking to Fill an International Regulatory Gap: Brazil Brings the Issue of Exchange Rates and Trade before the World Trade Organization, Antonia F. Pereira and Silas W. Allard
Encomium, Michael J. Perry
The Classical Foundations of David Bederman, Polly J. Price
Orphan Works as Grist for the Data Mill, Matthew Sag
Welcome, Robert Schapiro
David Bederman as Mentor and Model, George Shepherd
Border Skirmishes: The Intersection Between Litigation and International Commercial Arbitration, S. I. Strong
Navigating the Borders Between International Commercial Arbitration and U.S. Federal Courts: A Jurisprudential GPS, S. I. Strong
Regulatory Litigation in the European Union: Does the U.S. Class Action have a New Analogue?, S. I. Strong
¡Cuba Sí!: A Tribute to Professor David Bederman and a Letter to President Obama, Frank J. Vandall
State Interference in the Internal Affairs of Religious Institutions, Johan D. van der Vyver
Tribute: David Bederman, Johan D. van der Vyver
Christianity's Mixed Contributions to Children's Rights: Traditional Teachings, Modern Doubts, John Witte Jr.
Moving to an Oral Adversarial System in Mexico: Jurisprudential, Criminal Procedure, Evidence Law, and Trial Advocacy Implications, Paul J. Zwier and Alexander Barney
Submissions from 2011
Religious Norms and Family Law: Is It Legal or Normative Pluralism?, Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im
Principles of Counter-Terrorism Law, Laurie R. Blank
The Prehistory of Fair Use, Matthew Sag
Frontiers of Juridical Pluralism: Law, Religion, and the Family, John Witte Jr.
Lift High the Cross?: Contrasting the New European and American Cases on Religious Symbols on Government Property, John Witte Jr. and Nina-Louisa Arold
Submissions from 2010
Legislatures, Judges, and Parole Boards: The Allocations of Discretion under Determinate Sentencing, Dhammika Dharmapala, Nuno Garoupa, and Joanna Shepherd
Beauty in the Dark of Night: The Pleasures of Form in Criminal Law, Martha Grace Duncan
States of Being: Response Piece, Martha Fineman
The Vulnerable Subject and the Responsive State, Martha Albertson Fineman
The Irrepressible Influence of Byrd, Richard D. Freer and Thomas Arthur
Did a Switch in Time Save Nine?, Daniel E. Ho and Kevin M. Quinn
How Not to Lie with Judicial Votes: Misconceptions, Measurement, and Models, Daniel E. Ho and Kevin M. Quinn
Null Preemption, Jonathan R. Nash
Mapp v. Ohio Revisited: A Law Clerk's Diary, Polly J. Price
Federalization of the Mosquito: Structural Innovation in the New Deal Administrative State, Polly J. Price
The Google Book Settlement and the Fair Use Counterfactual, Matthew Sag
Overcoming Fragmentation in Disability and Health Law, Ani B. Satz
Submissions from 2009
The New Invention Creation Activity Boundary in Patent Law, Margo A. Bagley
Viewpoint Diversity and Media Consolidation: An Empirical Study, Daniel E. Ho and Kevin M. Quinn
Racial Exhaustion, Darren L. Hutchinson
Sexual Politics and Social Change, Darren L. Hutchinson
Social Movements and Judging: An Essay on Institutional Reform Litigation and Desegregation in Dallas, Texas, Darren L. Hutchinson
How the Dissent Becomes the Majority: Using Federalism to Transform Coalitions in the U.S. Supreme Court, Tonja Jacobi and Vanessa A. Baird
Ideology and Exceptionalism in Intellectual Property: An Empirical Study, Matthew Sag, Tonja Jacobi, and Maxim Sytch
Are Appointed Judges Strategic Too?, Joanna Shepherd
Money, Politics, and Impartial Justice, Joanna Shepherd
Religious Freedom, Democracy, and International Human Rights, John Witte Jr. and M. Christian Green
Submissions from 2008
The Need for Speed (and Grace): Issues in a First-Inventor-to-File World, Margo A. Bagley
The Hidden Influence of Jewish Law on the Common Law Tradition: One Lost Example, Michael J. Broyde
Super Medians, Lee Epstein and Tonja Jacobi
Acknowledging Guilt: Forcing Self-Identification in Post-Conviction DNA Testing, Tonja Jacobi and Gwendolyn Carroll
Economic Efficiency versus Public Choice: The Case of Property Rights in Road Traffic Management, Jonathan R. Nash
The Limits of Health Care Reform, Ani B. Satz
Prophets, Priests, and Kings: John Milton and the Reformation of Rights and Liberties in England, John Witte Jr.
Submissions from 2007
The Health Insurance Debate in Canada: Lessons for the United States?, Mary Anne Bobinski
Ideological Drift among Supreme Court Justices: Who, When, and How Important?, Lee Epstein, Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn, and Jeffrey A. Segal
Of Rules and Standards: Reconciling Statutory Limitations on "Arising Under" Jurisdiction, Richard D. Freer
Majority Politics and Race Based Remedies, Darren L. Hutchinson
Patent Reform and Differential Impact, Matthew Sag and Kurt W. Rohde
Submissions from 2006
Academic Discourse and Proprietary Rights: Putting Patents in Their Proper Place, Margo A. Bagley
The Intimacy Discount: Prosecutorial Discretion, Privacy, and Equality in the Statutory Rape Caseload, Kay L. Levine