The breadth and depth of Fineman¿s work are such that it would be impossible to discuss all the layers of her ongoing legacy in this short Essay. For the sake of brevity, I confine my discussion to three points. Specifically, the foundations laid by Martha¿s work reverberate culturally and globally in three ways: (1) valuation of invisible labor, (2) normalization of uncomfortable conversations, and (3) universalization and destigmatization of vulnerability. While I focus solely on these key contributions, I could go on forever about the breath and scope of Fineman¿s influence and the impact of her mentorship. To trace Martha¿s impact is to embark on an exhilarating scholarly, as well as personal, journey.
Recommended Citation
Michéle Alexandre,
Martha Fineman, More Transformative Than Ever,
Emory L. J.
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