Emory Law Journal | Emory University School of Law | Atlanta, GA | Emory Law Journal | Emory University School of Law
Emory Law Journal

Founded in 1952, the Emory Law Journal was the first journal sponsored by Emory University School of Law. Originally titled the Journal of Public Law, the Journal specialized in public law fields. In 1974, the Editorial Board changed the name of the Journal to the Emory Law Journal and pledged to widen the editorial scope of the Journal to include matters of general law, while maintaining an emphasis on public law. In 1978, the Editorial Board decided to abandon an editorial policy emphasizing the publication of pieces that explored the political and sociological aspects of the law. Since then, the Journal has been restricted editorially only by the limits of legal scholarship and interest. Today, ELJ publishes six issues a year, featuring professional and student articles on a broad range of legal topics, and remains entirely student edited.

Current Issue: Volume 74, Issue 3 (2025)



Crisis Pricing

John F. Duffy and Richard M. Hynes




Safety Whistleblowing

Benjamin L. Cavataro


