In this Article, I offer my predictions on what the class action landscape will look like a decade from now. Those predictions fall into several categories: First, I discuss whether the basic class action framework¿Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23¿is likely to be revamped in the next decade. I predict that there is little chance that the basic structure of Rule 23 will change. Second, I examine the likely state of class action jurisprudence in the year 2026. Third, I focus on the administration and resolution of class actions and offer two predictions: (1) by 2026, a significantly larger number of class action cases will go to trial than at any time since 1966; and (2) technological changes will fundamentally alter the mechanics of class action practice, offering more sophisticated tools for notice, participation by class members, and distribution of settlement proceeds.
Recommended Citation
Robert H. Klonoff,
Class Actions in the Year 2026: A Prognosis,
Emory L. J.
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