This Comment analyzes a recent decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit focusing on the role of an implied good faith inquiry in the ¿for cause¿ provision in Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code. The decision in Piazza v. Nueterra Healthcare (In re Piazza) contributes to a purported circuit split on whether the ¿for cause¿ provision should be the locus for an implied good faith inquiry or whether such an inquiry should be left to other parts of the Code. This Comment argues that the circuit split on the implied good faith inquiry is an illusion. All circuit courts that have examined the issue would likely consider the same behaviors to be grounds for dismissal for bad faith in a future case. The more critical issue for debtors and creditors in bankruptcy is discord among the courts of appeals with regard to the implied good faith test. This Comment argues that multifactor tests like the one endorsed in Piazza are counteractive to the goal of the implied good faith inquiry, namely deterring abuse of the bankruptcy system.
Recommended Citation
Wes Pickard,
Cold Piazza: Judicial Construction of the Chapter 7 ¿For Cause¿ Provision,
Emory L. J.
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