Emory International Law Review
For individuals living with disabilities, the ability to obtain employment can be challenging. But often it is not the disability itself that causes the challenge, but employers and society’s prejudices. While national legislation both in the United States and abroad have attempted to dispel this prejudice through anti-discrimination programs, novel (or reimagined) solutions are needed to proliferate employment for disabled individuals.
This Comment explores the history of disability employment across the Atlantic by focusing on how the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom have responded to proliferating employment for disabled individuals. Additionally, this Comment explores both what steps these countries have taken and could take in supporting disabled employees. The Comment concludes by proposing the implementation of a quota system for hiring disabled employees and explores why such a program is rational and legal.
Recommended Citation
Kevin Rudolph,
Comparative Disability Policy in Employment,
Emory Int'l L. Rev.
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