The Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal hosted its Eleventh Annual Symposium on February 27, 2014. Each year, EBDJ's Symposium addresses current issues in bankruptcy law in a format that provides practical and timely information to today's bankruptcy practitioners. With the help and support of the Atlanta Bankruptcy Bar, EBDJ's Advisory Board, and our sponsoring firms, the Eleventh Annual Symposium was a tremendous success. This year, the Symposium featured two panels. In the first, a Consumer Panel, panelists responded to Professor Lawrence Ponoroff's article on chapter 7 lien-stripping, published in the Fall 2013 issue of EBDJ. 1 Lawrence Ponoroff, Hey the Sun Is Hot and the Water's Fine: Why Not Strip Off That Lien?, 30 Emory Bankr. Dev. J. 13 (2013). Our second panel focused on Corporate bankruptcy, and highlighted some of the current tensions in the chapter 11 process, given the large volume of petitions that end in a sale under 11 U.S.C § 363, rather than a chapter 11 plan confirmation. The following represents an edited transcript of the panels. EBDJ would like to thank its Advisory Board members, the panelists, and the moderators for their exceptional efforts on our behalf. Finally, I would like to thank Jake Kaplan, Alex Clamon, Smita Gautam, and the EBDJ staff for their personal efforts toward the success of this year's Symposium.
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Sophia Priola,
Emory Bankr. Dev. J.
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