In In re Delco Oil, Inc., the Eleventh Circuit addressed whether a chapter 7 trustee can avoid a debtor's unauthorized transfer of cash collateral to a vendor that transacts in good faith and for equivalent value. The Eleventh Circuit strictly interpreted 11 U.S.C. §§ 549 and 550 by holding that the trustee has the power to avoid such a transfer. This decision is problematic for two reasons. First, the innocent vendor had to forfeit the goods that it transferred and any cash collateral received in exchange. Second, the decision created an absurd result by preventing the innocent vendor from obtaining an administrative expense claim even though it conferred a benefit on the estate. This decision effectively prevents an innocent vendor from receiving any compensation for the sale of its goods.
Recommended Citation
Juan Mendoza,
Avoiding the Inequities Created by In re Delco Oil, Inc.-The Need for An Innocent Vendor Exception,
Emory Bankr. Dev. J.
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